
この島国が今も反省せず、改ざんし、隠蔽し、偽装し、開き直っている。 自国の原発メルトダウン及び爆発事故による滅亡が確定した今、最期に良心のカケラくらい示してから滅ぶべき!

The principal offender is 朝香宮鳩彦親王 (Yasuhiko shinnoh Asakanomiya :Emperor's niece ) of the nephew of the Emperor Showa in direct people in charge of Nanjing Massacre of 300,000.

Nanjing Massacre, the Japanese military are direct people in charge of Nanjing Massacre with 300,000 from 200,000, and the principal offender is 朝香宮鳩彦親王 (Yasuhiko shinnoh Asakanomiya :Emperor's niece ).

"Do not take the captive! I ordered, kill all the captives

The royalty of the nephew of the Emperor Showa: It is Shanghai dispatch commander,

Army lieutenant called 朝香宮鳩彦親王(Yasuhiko shinnoh Asakanomiya :Emperor's niece ).

I wrote this blog article by information dispatch of January 8, 2016. I decide this.

Is discharged after the war, and leave it, and the royalty is absorbed in world, golf of the hobby; morning and evening (live to be 93 years old) た Asaka shrine. Best war criminal, Hirohito greatest what dispatched the Asaka shrine in Shanghai.

Toshiyuki Kagawa who comes out to a movie of John Rahben.

The officer who is in the rear, and bows the head

I resisted the wind "that the captive did not suppress based on an international treaty",

I said "do you not hear that I did not take a captive though you said?!" and let you kill all the captives after all. It comes out to a movie.

It was to be rude to just take the name of the Asaka shrine and made incense of Asaka haze. It is a city name of Asaka-shi, Saitama.

An American bestseller of 72. The book called "a plot of the Emperor" of Backer mini. There is value.

I can read a translation into Japanese in a net. I reveal war responsibility of the Emperor Showa. I wrote war responsibility of the Emperor.

Oneself is that it is required the death penalty as a war criminal again whether the postwar Emperor Showa is with own life, China or Soviet Union if stationed as a member of the Far East committee in Japan

11 times begged for their life to MacArthur, too. When remove the influence of the Far East committee,

I asked MacArthur for becoming the breakwater of the communism. 11 times, too. MacArthur did only a vague answer for it.

It was a thought to make a trusteeship form of the United Nations, but, as for MacArthur having been thinking, the Emperor Showa finish seeing MacArthur for wind "not to protect oneself as for MacArthur if this is not good" after GHQ withdrew

When I negotiate to Dulles who was the advisor to Secretary of State directly and, in callousness of MacArthur, want Dulles to remove the influence of the Far East committees such as anticommunism, the Communist Party government, China, one of the Soviet Union,

When I negotiate with wind to say directly when I want you to defend and maintain the Emperor system of Japan when I want you to follow own command and therefore do anything,

How long did you suggest that many U.S. forces might be stationed in Japan anywhere how long for a long term? Triggered by it, it was expected that the U.S. forces were stationed in Okinawa.

Therefore it cuts off Okinawa, and it is the actual situation that did own begging for life.

The Asahi Shimbun gets through the thing, and a 31-syllable Japanese poem comes out by chance, and take it away; "the Emperor desires peace, and hate war. I began a beautification campaign to be Emperor human being troubled with it.

The Emperor is a traitor of the truth. The Emperor ignores the postwar symbol system. People of Okinawa is Abandoned done cause.

For the Emperor, the Constitution of Japan does not have relations. It is the second empire constitution itself.

The Asahi Shimbun began "a beautification campaign" of "greatest best ringleader who it was a war criminal and was a fascist, and killed 50 million Asians" Emperor Showa, Hirohito at last!

50 minutes -

The direct person in charge of [Nanjing Massacre] that the Japanese military slaughtered 200,000-300,000 people is Lieutenant General 甥朝香宮鳩彦親王Yasuhiko shinnoh Asakanomiya :Emperor's niece

Shanghai dispatch force commander, army who "do not take the captive" of the Emperor Showa whom I gave an order to start it when "kill all the captives"!

[image] :

Lieutenant General of 朝香宮鳩彦親王 ( Yasuhiko shinnoh Asakanomiya :Emperor's niece ) Shanghai dispatch military commander, army

20160107 朝香宮鳩彦王 ( Yasuhiko shinnoh Asakanomiya :Emperor's niece )

Movie Lieutenant General of the Japanese secrecy of 朝香宮鳩彦親王 ( Yasuhiko shinnoh Asakanomiya :Emperor's niece ) Shanghai dispatch military commander, army which Teruyuki Kagawa played in the beginning of "Schindler John Rabe of Nanjing" "said to Major young commander Ose who arrested several thousand captives that who took the captive!" "Do not take the captive! Kill all the captives! I would say this!" "Follow a person by a self-responsibility by tomorrow morning!" A scene to give an order to start this comes out.

20160106 Asaka shrines

[Nanjing Massacre] that slaughtered the nonresistant captive and Nanjing citizen by the Japanese military was performed by the order of this royalty.

"Schindler John Rabe of Nanjing" was not released this movie to for a long time in Japan simply because there was this scene without a distributor being found, but it was finally held in each place in the four-walling society by the citizen and came to be able to finally see it.

Lieutenant General of 皇族朝香宮鳩彦親王 ( Yasuhiko shinnoh Asakanomiya :Emperor's niece ) Shanghai dispatch force commander, army was the Class-A war criminal whom conduct gave an order to start fall, next Nanjing Massacre directly on Nanjing all-out attack start, October 13 of October 10, 1937 and, properly speaking, it was prosecuted an arrest with the Emperor Showa by GHQ and was the person who received a death sentence in the Far East military tribunal, and should be executed.

However, I let you let immunity from responsibility, an acquittal did the war crimes such as the Emperor Showa and the royalty, an officer, the politician of the Class-A war criminal, a special serviceman, the domestic affairs of states bureaucrat, a business executive, major media, a religion instruction guide, a scholar, the right wing, the gang, and the LDP concentrate it with restoration of Nobusuke Kishi again in the 1950s and return to the power center because colonial rule did Japan in the camouflage Emperor system of Japan of another name called "the emperor-as-a-symbol system" as for the rule layer in America in Japan after the war.

As well as the Emperor Showa, 朝香宮鳩彦親王( Yasuhiko shinnoh Asakanomiya :Emperor's niece ) where war crimes were performed immunity from responsibility, an acquittal of totally after the war by GHQ by being the royalty did an Imperial register until 93 years old as "a Her royal highness the princess of golf" after the secession for a straight long time.

I wear influence of the Emperor to a shade than war crimes of the Emperor Showa become the best taboo of Japan, and an aggressive war and the nation oppression are not talked about to the war responsibility of the royalties whom I forced at all.

It is necessary that [people's revolution group] without we taboos uncovers the war crimes of the royalties who have been covered with the Emperor Showa thoroughly and investigates it!

▼What is 朝香宮鳩彦親王?( Yasuhiko shinnoh Asakanomiya :Emperor's niece )  (Wikipedia extract)

As the army officer (positive shrine King Tsunenori, 閑院宮春仁王, 朝香宮孚彦王, Nagahisa Kitashirakawanomiya King, bamboo King Tsunenori Tamiya congratulating it) as other royalties was so, I prepared the simple and elegant thing which was raging among the army young man officers at the time of the end of the Taisho era, the Showa period, and 鳩彦王 wore the military uniform. Above all, 鳩彦王 has already ordered a showy accoutering product early in the Taisho era before being raging early in the Showa era.

I graduate from Military Staff College (the 26th) in November, 1914 (Taisho 3) and become foot soldier 61st regiment's company commander. Study in France in 1922 (Taisho 11), but the car which King Naruhisa Kitashirakawanomiya of the brother-in-law drives in the next year raises a traffic accident afterwards, King Narihisa is 薨去 in this accident. 鳩彦王 where I rode with suffers a serious wound. Because a stay in France was prolonged for the medical treatment of the injury, I will touch it by a French culture for a long time. Particularly, I saw Paris World Exposition of 1925 (Taisho 14) (are デコ Expo) with the shrine princess who visited France for nursing and showed strong interest and understanding for a like expression. The Asaka shrine residence (existing Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum) completed in later 1933 (Showa 8) is done with Japanese representative are デコ architecture.

I rise in rank with Lieutenant General of Major General, army and successively hold foot soldier first brigade commander, Divisional Commander Konoe, a Military councilor afterwards. On December 2, 1937 (Showa 12), I was ordered Shanghai dispatch military commander and participated in the Nanjing capture war just after that and rose to the genl. in August, 1939 (Showa 14). I insisted on army and navy unification (the supreme command unification) for the mainland decisive battle as war hawk and, in the later Pacific War (Greater East Asia War) end game, put emphasis. In addition, I have exercised for replacement of the Gen Sugiyama Secretary of State for War in the Koiso Cabinet those days.

I might be appointed from GHQ by a war crime on the suspicion of having participated in "the killing order of the captive" by Nanjing case as Shanghai dispatch military commander after the war, but did not receive the war crime designation as the royalty.

In 1947 (Showa 22), I rented the Shirokane, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo Daimachi (current Shirokanedai, Minato-ku) Asaka shrine's house which I looked good with to Ministry of Foreign Affairs after the Imperial register secession by an order of GHQ on October 14, the same year (this took a role of the virtual Prime Minister's Residential Quarters as the official residence of Minister of Foreign Affairs for 1:00 period and was referred to "the official residence of Meguro"), and I lived in seclusion, and oneself sent days absorbed in golf to the villa of Atami.

It acted as a chairperson, the honorary chairperson of many golf clubs, but Hizaori-mura of the new address is renamed to Kasumicho (it changed one character to just use existing Asaka-shi, the Royal title awarded by an emperor to his son saying that it was dreadful) in the morning for Asaka shrine on May 1, 1932 (Showa 7) when "the Tokyo golfers' club" where 鳩彦王 acts as a honorary chairperson in that in 1930 (Showa 5) moved to Saitama.

Career (extract)

Lieutenant General of August 1, 1933 (Showa 8) Army, Divisional Commander Konoe
December 2, 1935 (Showa 10) Military councilor
December 2, 1937 (Showa 12) Shanghai dispatch military commander
March 14, 1938 (Showa 13) Military councilor
August 1, 1939 (Showa 14) genl.
The April 4, 1942 (Showa 17) Koichi grade Order of the Golden Kite
The August 15, 1945 (Showa 20) end of the war
November 30, 1945 (Showa 20) reserve duty
I leave an Imperial register on October 14, 1947 (Showa 22)

(an extract is over)

(an article is over)

[Movie]"Nanking 1937"

"Schindler of John Rahben - Nanjing" preview












72年の米国ベストセラー。Backer miniの「天皇の陰謀」という本。価値ある。



















日本非公開の映画『南京のシンドラー ジョン・ラーベ』の冒頭で、香川照之が演ずる朝香宮鳩彦親王(あさかのみややすひこしんのう)上海派遣軍司 令官・陸軍中将が、数千人の捕虜をとらえた若き司令官小瀬少佐に対して、『誰が捕虜を 取れと言った!』『捕虜は取るな!捕虜は全員殺せ!と言った だろう!』『明朝までに自己責任でかたをつけろ!』と命令する場面が出てくる。



この場面があるからこそ、この映画『南京のシンドラー ジョン・ラーベ』は配給会社が見つからず長い間日本で公開されずにいたが、ようやく市民に よる自主上映会で各地で開催されようやく見ることができるようになったのだ。

皇族朝香宮鳩彦親王上海派遣軍司令官・陸軍中将は、1937年10月10日の南京総攻撃開始、10月13日陥落、その後の南京大虐殺を直接指揮・ 命令したA級戦犯であり、本来であれば、昭和天皇と共にGHQに逮捕・起訴され、極東軍事裁判で死刑判決を受けて処刑されるべき人物であったの だ。

しかし米国支配層は、戦後の日本を『象徴天皇制』という別名の偽装天皇制で日本を植民地支配するために、昭和天皇と皇族、A級戦犯の軍人、政治 家、特高・ 内務官僚、財界人、大手マスコミ、宗教指導導者、学者、右翼・暴力団などの戦争犯罪を免責・免罪して1950年代に岸信介の復権と共に 自民党に再結集させて権力中枢に復帰させたのだ。

昭和天皇と同じく、戦後GHQによって皇族であることで戦争犯罪を全面的に免責・免罪された朝香宮鳩彦親王は皇籍を離脱後『ゴルフの宮様』として 93歳まで生長きしたのだ。



▼朝香宮鳩彦親王とは? (Wikipedia抜粋)

鳩彦王は他の皇族たる陸軍軍人(賀陽宮恒憲王・閑院宮春仁王・朝香宮孚彦王・ 北白川宮永久王・竹田宮恒徳王等)がそうであったように、軍服は大正 末・昭和期当時の陸軍青年将校の間で大流行していた、瀟洒なものを仕立て着用していた。中でも鳩彦王は、昭和初期に大流行する以前の大正初期には既に派手な軍装品を誂えていた。

1914年(大正3年)11月には陸軍大学校(26期)を卒業し歩兵第61連隊中隊長となる。その後、1922 年(大正11年)にフランスに留学するが、翌年、義兄の北白川宮成久王の運転する自動車が交通事故を起こし、この事故で成久王は薨去。 同乗していた鳩彦王 は重傷を負う。怪我の療養のためフランス滞在が長引いたことで、フランス文化により長く触れることになった。特に、看病のため渡仏した宮妃ととも 1925 年(大正14年)のパリ万国博覧会(アール・デコ博)を観覧し、同様式に対して強い関心と理解を示した。後の1933 年(昭和8年)に完成した朝香宮邸(現・東京都庭園美術館)は日本の代表的なアール・デコ建築とされている。

その後、陸軍少将・陸軍中将と昇級し歩兵第1旅団長、近衛師団長、軍事参議官を歴任する。1937 年(昭和12年)12月2日、上海派遣軍司令官を拝命し、直後の南京攻略戦に参加、1939 年(昭和14年)8月には陸軍大将に昇った。後の太平洋戦争(大東亜戦争)終盤においては、主戦論者として本土決戦に備えた陸海軍統合(統帥一元化)を主 張・力説していた。また、小磯内閣当時には杉山元陸軍大臣の更迭を求めて運動したこともあった。

戦後、上海派遣軍司令官として南京事件で「虜の殺害命令」に関与した疑いでGHQから戦犯に指名される可能性があったが、皇族として戦犯指定は受 けなかった。

1947年(昭和22年)、GHQの命令により同年10月14日に皇籍離脱、後は、東京都港区芝白金台町(現在の港区白金台)にあった朝香宮邸を 外務省に貸し出し(これは外務大臣公邸 として一時期事実上の総理大臣公邸の役割を担っており、「目黒公邸」とも呼称されていた)、自身は熱海の別荘に隠棲してゴルフ三昧の日々を送った。

数多くのゴルフクラブの会長・名誉会長を務めたが、その中で1930 年(昭和5年)に鳩彦王が名誉会長を務める「東京ゴルフ倶楽部」が埼玉県に移転した際、 移転先の膝折村が朝香宮にちなんで1932 年(昭和7年)5月1日に朝霞町(現朝霞市、宮号をそのまま使うのは畏れ多いとして一字を替えた)と改称されている。


1933年(昭和8年)8月1日 陸軍中将・近衛師団長
1935年(昭和10年)12月2日 軍事参議官
1937年(昭和12年)12月2日 上海派遣軍司令官
1938年(昭和13年)3月14日 軍事参議官
1939年(昭和14年)8月1日 陸軍大将
1942年(昭和17年)4月4日 功一級金鵄勲章
1945年(昭和20年)8月15日 終戦
1945年(昭和20年)11月30日 予備役
1947年(昭和22年)10月14日 皇籍を離脱する



【映画】南京1937 "Nanking 1937"

「ジョン・ラーベン ~南京のシンドラー」予告編

